Advanced Magnetic Stimulation. Tailored to Your Brain Needs.
MeRT® therapy is non-invasive and pain-free, employing gentle magnetic pulses to optimize brain function.
qEEG analysis identifies areas of dysregulation in the brain, resulting in a personalized protocol specific to your brain needs.
MeRT® does not require sedation and is completely drug-free, offering hope to those not experiencing benefits from conventional treatment modalities.
At The Insync Brain, we specialize in MeRT® (Magnetic E-Resonance Therapy), an advanced form of rTMS that is non-invasive, painless, and drug-free. Our approach is personalized, targeting specific areas of the brain to restore neural connections and enhance overall mental well-being and brain health.
MeRT®, or Magnetic E-Resonance Therapy, is an advanced and highly customized application of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) guided by in-depth diagnostics. Our approach uses brainwave analysis to develop a customized therapy plan that helps rewire and restore brain function, improving mood, cognitive function, emotional regulation, and sleep patterns.
Our advanced form of rTMS, MeRT® therapy, is designed for both children and adults facing a variety of neurological and mental health challenges.
For individuals struggling with mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, MeRT® can help by restoring brainwave balance. Those who have not experienced relief from medication or other treatment modalities may see greater benefits and symptom reduction with MeRT®.
For both children and adults with autism, MeRT® is a well-tolerated, non-invasive therapy that has shown significant improvements in communication, emotional regulation, focus, and sleep patterns. Our staff is trained to make the process as comfortable as possible for those with sensory difficulties or anxiety in unfamiliar spaces.
Veterans, first responders, and military personnel dealing with PTSD, sleep disturbances, and cognitive dysfunction related to TBI can experience substantial benefits from MeRT® therapy. By targeting brainwave imbalances identified through qEEG analysis, patients see benefits such as reduced hypervigilance, improved sleep, enhanced focus, and increased emotional stability.
MeRT® therapy at The Insync Brain begins with a 10 minute, eyes-closed quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) and an electrocardiogram that measures brain wave frequencies, heart rate, and brain-heart coherence.
qEEG analysis reveals areas of dysregulation or lack of communication within the brain. This allows our clinician to develop a customized treatment plan that aims to encourage healthy brain communication and restore neural connections.
While sitting comfortably, a trained Neurotechnician will position the magnetic coil on your head. This coil will deliver gentle magnetic pulses to the targeted region of the brain. MeRT® is non-invasive, painless, and drug-free. Sessions typically last 20 minutes.
We take sequential qEEG recordings every 10 sessions to monitor progress and make any necessary modifications to your protocol. This ensures we’re always taking the best approach based on your current neurological state. While treatment courses vary, a typical length is 30 sessions or 6 weeks, Monday-Friday.